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The Current President is Bro. Alcedos Vanterpool. Bro. Vanterpool is a Junior Human Development and Family Studies major here from the Bronx, NY. He looks to serve in the United States Marine Corps as an officer upon graduation and at the same time create programs to better the lives of youths within the community. He also serves as the Executive Secretary for the Integrated Greek Council.

Sergeant At Arms:

Our Sergeant At Arms is Joseph Lastery, Joseph has been our Sergeant At Arms for two years now. Jospeh is a senior Aviation and Flight Technology major. He has been very pivital in our event planning and coordination. With his drive and commitment we have ensured that all our programing was thoughtful and enriched the community. 

Academic Chair:

Our Current Academic Chair is Alcedos Vanterpool, he has held his positon for a little less than a year. Alcedos is a sophmore Aviation major. He is responsible for ensuring the chapter continues to strive for academic greatness.

Vice President:

The current Vice President of the chapter is Roderick DeKovan II , he is Sports Administration major with a minor in Business from Upper Marlboro, MD. Bro. Swiner plans to become an athletic director , football coach and educator upon graduation.He is also the co-greek affairs chair for Black United Students. Bro. Swiner has also earned distinction in becoming the 47th annual Renaissance Ball King.  

Chief Financial Officer:

Our current Chief Financial Officer is Roderic Swiner, Roderic has been in this role a little under a year now. He is a Sophmore Buisness major with a minor in Fashion Merchendising. In this position he is the Tressurer he is in charge of all of the chapters budgets, and financial reporting. 

Meet the SIGMAS

"A good decision is based on Knowledge and not on Numbers" Plato

Executive Board:

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